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Mixing / Production

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 items
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    Elbow: Recording The Seldom Seen Kid

    Craig Potter: Producer/Engineer

    When they began work on The Seldom Seen Kid, Elbow had no record label and no producer. Two years later, it's brought them mainstream success at last.

    People Dec 2008
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    What's The Frequency?

    A Guide To Effective EQ

    Manipulating the frequency spectrum is one of the most important skills in recording and mixing. We explain the different types of EQ you can use in your mix and share some tips on how to get the best from them.

    Techniques Dec 2008
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    Inside Track: Kings Of Leon 'Sex On Fire'

    Secrets Of The Mix Engineers: Jacquire King

    For the recording of their fourth album Only By The Night, Kings Of Leon and co-producer Jacquire King decided to aim high. The result: a worldwide smash and a long-awaited breakthrough in the band's native US.

    Techniques Dec 2008
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    Mix Rescue: Pocket Lips

    Hip-hop processing

    When you're trying to achieve a tight, commercial hip-hop sound, you might need to resort to some heavy processing — but not on every track...

    Techniques Dec 2008
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    Mix Rescue: Pocket Lips | Media

    Audio files to accompany the article.

    Here are the links to the MP3 and WAV files that accompany the December 2008 Mix Rescue article for our newsstand/bookstore readers who do not have eSub-access to the main web article and don't fancy typing in all the long URLs by hand.

    Techniques Dec 2008
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