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Kilohearts free Dual Delay plug-in

Also works as a Snapin for company's modular hosts

Kilohearts Dual Delay free delay DAW plug-in VST AU AAX

Kilohearts have released Dual Delay, a new delay plug-in that they are offering as a free download. Described by the company as a delay that wants to be a reverb, but ends up being something new instead, Dual Delay features double delay lines working in tandem, creating rich and complex echoing effects.

Dual Delay

Dual Delay features a simple and compact GUI. A Delay Time parameter can be specified either in milliseconds, or as a division of beats when the plug-in is set to synchronise with the host DAW’s tempo. A Multiplier setting determines the amount of time before the secondary delay starts, and is expressed as a multiple of the primary delay time.

Feedback and Tone controls affect the length and sonic characteristics of the delay signal, whilst Spread and Crosstalk parameters alter the left/right panning of the two delays, and the amount of bleed between channels respectively. A Duck control causes the plug-in’s output to be automatically lowered when the input signal raises, and lastly, a Mix knob controls the overall wet/dry balance.

The Kilohearts Ecosystem

Dual Delay is one of a growing collection of plug-ins that form the Kilohearts Ecosystem. These effects can be used as regular plug-ins within any compatible DAW software, but also as Snapins in Kilohearts’ Phase Plant, Multipass, and Snap Heap modular hosts (available to purchase separately), where they can be combined and modulated to create unique instruments and effects.


Dual Delay is supported on both PC and Mac computers running any operating systems that are still officially supported by their manufacturers. Native Apple Silicon support is available for the Mac version. VST2, VST3, AAX and AU plug-in formats are supported, all of which are available in 64-bit versions only.

Pricing & Availability

Dual Delay is available to download now from the Kilohearts website, and is free of charge for all users. The company also offer the Kilohearts Essentials collection, a completely free bundle which contains a number of useful plug-ins.

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