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Sontronics Sigma 2 & Delta 2 Audio Examples

Hear For Yourself By Neil Rogers
Published May 2019

Sigma 2 & Delta 2 ribbon microphones.Sontronics 
Delta 2 (left) & Sigma 2 ribbon mics.

Having been impressed with how both microphones performed on a number of sources, our reviewer produced these WAV audio examples so you can hear the results for yourself.

Read our full test review here:

01_Delta 2_Acoustic Guitar

An example of the Sontronics Delta 2 on an acoustic guitar. The microphone was positioned about a foot and a half back from the guitar and was directed roughly towards the 4th fret.

02_Sigma 2_Acoustic Guitar

This is what the Sigma 2 sounds like on the same guitar take. The mic was positioned the same distance and just to the left of the Delta 2 looking at the guitar. You can hear on this source that the mics are from the same 'pod' as they sound quite similar tonally.

03_Delta 2_Drum Room

I positioned both mics next to each other about 4-5 feet back from a drum kit, just below waist height. This is an example of the Delta 2.

04_Sigma 2_Drum Room

This is how the Sigma 2 sounds in front of the drum kit. Notice the extra low-end thump compared to the Delta 2.

05_Delta 2_Mono OH

Again I positioned both mics together to see how they fared as mono drum overheads. This is an example of the Delta 2.

06_Sigma 2_Mono OH

This is how the Sigma 2 sounded above the drum kit. I felt the Delta 2 was a little brighter sounding, but I liked the extra low end from the Sigma 2.

07_Delta 2_Kick Drum

Knowing the Delta 2 has been designed to be hardier than a traditional ribbon, I felt confident putting it about 4-5 inches outside a bass drum. I think it sounds excellent in this application — and notice how little spill there is from the rest of the kit.

08_Delta 2_Clean Electric

This is the sound of the Delta 2 positioned a few inches back from an Orange 4 x 10 cab, fed from a Fender super-sonic head. The mic was positioned halfway between the centre and outside of the speaker cone.

09_Sigma 2_Clean Electric

The sound of the Sigma 2 in the same application.

10_Delta 2_HV Electric

We cranked up the gain on the amp for this example, and this is how the Delta 2 sounded. The Delta 2 seems to have a more a pronounced mid-range and less proximity effect than its smaller sister and, of course, it's been designed to be at home in this application.

11_Sigma 2_HV Electric

This is how the Sigma 2 fared on the more distorted guitar.

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