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    Acustica Sand 4 Ultra SSL emulation compressor EQ channel strip plug-in

    Acustica introduce Sand 4 Ultra

    SSL-inspired plug-ins join Acqua line-up

    Sand 4 Ultra comes loaded with compressor, EQ and channel strip plug-ins based on the company’s Hyper technology and new Aria engine. 

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    Acustica Audio Grey Pro Ultra VCA compressor emulation plug-in dbx 165 566 160SL

    Acustica launch Grey Pro compressor suite

    Three classic dbx designs join Acqua range

    Acustica's latest plug-in suite promises to accurately emulate the sound of three different American-made hardware VCA compressors.

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    Acustica Audio Amber 4 Ultra Class A tube valve solid-state EQ equaliser compressor preamp modelling emulation plug-in Hyper Aria

    Amber 4 Ultra plug-in suite from Acustica Audio

    Improved performance thanks to Hyper technology & Aria engine

    Amber 4 Ultra provides faithfully modelled emulations of Class A analogue units including pair of EQs, a compressor and a preamp.

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