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Exciters / Enhancers

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    Eventide H3000 Factory Band Delays Mk II DAW effects plug-ins

    Eventide launch H3000 MkII plug-ins 

    Plug-ins now model the original hardware's converters

    The latest version of Eventide's H3000 plug-ins promise to provide users with the most authentic recreation of the classic hardware unit possible.

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    Eventide Blackhole Micropitch Immersive surround spatial audio reverb pitch-shifting plug-ins

    Eventide release Blackhole & MicroPitch Immersive plug-ins

    Up to 7.1.4 channel layouts now supported

    Eventide Audio have expanded the capabilities of their Blackhole and Micropitch plug-ins, introducing support for surround and immersive audio formats including Dolby Atmos.

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