What's the best way to convert a split-stereo audio file into an interleaved stereo file? I use Cool Edit, Wavelab and Logic. Do I just bring up the left and right mono tracks in a Cool Edit multitracker window and bounce them to stereo? What would be the best way to do this?
SOS Forum Post
Reviews Editor Mike Senior replies: You can do this directly from Logic's Audio window. First you have to make sure that the files have the '.L' and '.R' suffixes on them, as these are required for Logic to recognise them as left- and right-channel files. This is the case on the Mac; if you're using an older version of Logic on a PC, if I remember correctly, there's a similar system, and I suspect you may be using the PC version given your other choices of software.
Import the two files into the Audio window by choosing Add Audio File from the window's Audio File menu. Once the files are in the audio window, select Reconnect All Split Stereo Files from the Audio window's Edit menu (see screenshot above) — this step may not be necessary, because Logic may do this by default as you import. Then select the connected split-stereo file in the Audio window and choose one of the Convert To SDII / AIFF / WAV Stereo options from the Audio window's Audio File menu.
This should save the interleaved stereo file in the same folder location as the split file, although it won't add the interleaved file to the Audio window automatically. If you want to use the interleaved file in the Audio window, then use the Add Audio File menu option again, but make sure that the Force Record & Convert Interleaved Into Split Stereo Files box in the Audio Preferences is unticked, or it'll split the file again!