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Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 items
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    Synth School: Part 5

    The Origins Of Sample & Synthesis (S&S)

    At the January NAMM show in 1987, Roland launched their D50, which mixed synthesis and sampled sounds in one package, a compbination which has remained popular to the current day. Paul Wiffen examines how S&S evolved into the most widespread form of sound generation on the market.

    Techniques Dec 1997
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    Synth School: Part 4

    Additive Synthesis

    Throughout the '80s, additive synthesis was the Holy Grail for synth purists; many machines aspired to it, but only one achieved it successfully. Paul Wiffen explains how additive works and looks at the various implementations, including the newly updated Kawai version.

    Techniques Oct 1997
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    Synth School: Part 3

    Digital Synthesis (FM, PD & VPM)

    Having completed his study of analogue synthesis last month, Paul Wiffen takes a look at FM and its related digital synthesis types, which rocked the synth world throughout the 1980s.

    Techniques Sep 1997
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    Korg MS20 Mini.

    Synth School: Part 2

    Resonance, Envelopes & Routing

    This month, Paul Wiffen looks at ways of modifying a filter's shape, both in terms of frequency response and over time, and considers the importance of routing in connecting together a synth's various sound-generating and -modifying components.

    Techniques Aug 1997
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    RON BERRY: Acoustic Modelling With Analogue Modular Synth

    Interview | Artist

    Somewhere in the North-East of England, electronic musician and designer Ron Berry has been applying an old-style analogue modular synth to the creation of a very contemporary phenomenon — physical modelling synthesis. Jonathan Miller finds out how it's done.

    People Jul 1997
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    Synth School: Part 1

    Analogue Oscillators, Filters & LFOs

    After all the political talk in recent years about a return to traditional values, Paul Wiffen kicks off a major new series on synth programming by arguing the Analogue Fundamentalist Party case — that an understanding of the basic elements of traditional analogue synths is essential to fully exploit the various types of synthesis available today.

    Techniques Jun 1997
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