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    Roland SC50

    General MIDI Sound Module

    Derek Johnson takes a look at a new addition to the still-growing Sound Canvas family.

    Reviews May 1994
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    Emu Proteus FX

    Sound Module & Onboard Effects

    The Proteus series of sound modules have gained a reputation for being all things to all musicians — but they've never had on-board effects. The newest addition to the family takes care of that. Nigel Humberstone checks it out.

    Reviews May 1994
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    Roland GR09

    Guitar Synth

    Have Roland finally come up with a more affordable MIDI guitar for the masses? Paul White obviously thinks so.

    Reviews May 1994
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    Kurzweil Micro Piano

    Sampled Piano Sound Module

    The legendary Kurzweil piano sound is now available in a smaller box and with a lower price tag than ever before - though in the UK it's still significantly more expensive than competing piano modules from other manufacturers. Is it worth the price premium? Derek Johnson finds out.

    Reviews Apr 1994
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    Yamaha TG300

    General MIDI Tone Generator

    A new shape? A large LCD? Martin Russ finds out what Yamaha are up to with their latest expander, which aims to give GM compatibility ans a whole lot more...

    Reviews Mar 1994
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    GEM S2R

    Rackmounting Synth Module

    GEM have upgraded, expanded and enhanced their S2 keyboard synth and crammed it into a 3U module. Devoted S2 owner Mike Simmons discovers what he might be missing out on...

    Reviews Mar 1994
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    Korg X3R

    Workstation Synth Module

    Julian Colbeck sizes up the new offering from the prolific Korg camp, the latest to use the company's long-running A12 synthesis system. Is it just the same old stuff in the new box, or does the X3R have enough Unique Selling Points to justify its existence?

    Reviews Feb 1994
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    Roland SH101 [Retrozone]

    Vintage Synth

    Derek Johnson waxes lyrical about a synth he wouldn't part with but is the cheapest he owns — Roland's last monosynth, the 1982-vintage SH101.

    Reviews Feb 1994
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    Studio Electronics SE1 monosynth (photo courtesy of Matrixsynth website).

    Studio Electronics SE1

    Analogue MIDI Monosynth

    In an age of ever‑growing polyphony, Studio Electronics, best known for their vintage synth rebuilds, have returned to first principles — to create the first analogue monosynth for almost a decade. So how does this MIDI‑equipped modern classic measure up to its vintage forbears?

    Reviews Jan 1994
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    Studio Electronics SE1

    Analogue MIDI Monosynth

    In an age of ever-growing polyphony, Studio Electronics, best known for their vintage synth rebuilds, have returned to first principles — to create the first analogue monosynth for almost a decade. Minimoog owner Nick Magnus finds out how this MIDI-equipped modern classic measures up to its vintage forbears.

    Reviews Jan 1994
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    EMS VCS3 synthesizer.

    EMS VCS3 [Retrozone]

    Analogue Synthesizer

    Synthesist Ian Boddy steps back in time to report on the classic British sound machine, regularly found haunting the electronic music departments of many a university, and a recent addition to the author's own sonic armoury.

    Reviews Jan 1994


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