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    Yamaha Montage M M6 M7 M8x synthesizer workstation

    Yamaha unveil Montage M synthesizer range

    Flagship series returns with new engine

    The latest generation of Yamaha's flagship synthesizer range is powered by a new AN-X engine that recreates a range of classic analogue sounds, boasts up to 400 note of polyphony and provides a wealth of modulation options.

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    Yamaha SynthFest UK Montage launch statement

    Yamaha SynthFest UK announcement

    Stage keyboards, synths & more

    Yamaha have released a statement regarding the products being shown at this year's SynthFest UK show.

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    Sequential Trigon-6

    Polyphonic Synthesizer

    Dave Smith’s last synthesizer is a worthy farewell from a man who gave the synth world so much.

    Reviews Oct 2023
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