You can follow the step-by-step process John used to create his final pad sound by listening to these example audio files.
1. screenshot1-0207.mp3
The first basic patch described in the article — a very dark pad.
2. screenshot2-0207.mp3
A similar dark sound, with attack time linked to velocity.
3. screenshot2andwidth-0207.mp3
The same sound with added width, controlled using the modulation wheel.
4. screenshot3andlevels-0207.mp3
The settings shown in the screenshot opposite (top), combining two oscillators and level controls to add movement.
5. screenshot3andtonic-0207.mp3
The same patch, with Tonic added to provide extra movement.
6. screenshot3withautomation-0207.mp3
The final patch, still with Tonic, but now using automation of various parameters to create a 'finished' pad.