Audio files to accompany the article.
Audio Example
This audio example accompanies the Cubase article that appears in SOS February 2015.
Cubase 7 Getting Mashed JW
The Getting Mashed audio demo is built around a simple eight–bar example featuring vocals, drums, a synth line and a bass synth. The same phrase is repeated six times with a couple of bars of drums separating each repetition. The following processing has been applied in each case:
1. No processing, just the simple mix.
2. LoopMash FX applied as an insert effect to just the vocal track.
3. LoopMash FX applied as an insert effect to just the drum track.
4. LoopMash FX applied as an insert effect on a Group Channel with drums, synth and bass synth (but not vocal) routed through the Group Channel for processing.
5. LoopMash FX applied as a send–return effect and sends active from the drum, synth and bass synth tracks (more subtle than example 4).
6. LoopMash FX applied as an insert effect on the stereo output bus so the whole mix is processed through the effect.