link How To Comp Multitracks Using Reaper Cockos Reaper Tips & Tricks Reaper's multichannel WAV support makes comping multitracks a breeze. Published February 2020 Techniques
link Reaper: Auto-ducking Talkback Cockos Reaper Tips & Techniques Create an auto-ducking talkback facility using Reaper’s ReaGate plug-in. Published October 2018 Techniques
link Reaper: Total Recall With Track Templates Cockos Reaper Tips & Techniques Reaper’s Track Templates facility allows you to store and recall far more than a list of insert plug-ins! Published January 2018 Techniques
link Reaper: Creating A Custom Channel Strip Cockos Reaper Tips & Techniques Create a custom channel strip, complete with controls, in Reaper’s Mixer. Published September 2017 Techniques
link Reaper Keeper Cockos Reaper Tips & Techniques Here’s how to ensure your Reaper projects will still be accessible a year from now — or even a decade. Published May 2017 Techniques
link Reaper: VCAs, Grouping and Linking Reaper Tips & Techniques How do Reaper 5’s new VCA Faders complement the existing group and linking facilities? Published January 2017 Techniques
link Custom Menus & Toolbars In Reaper Reaper Tips & Techniques What you don’t like about Reaper, you can probably change! Published August 2016 Techniques
link Tape Effects In Reaper Reaper Tips & Techniques How to recreate open-reel tape trickery in Reaper. Published June 2016 Techniques
link Reaper Subprojects Reaper Tips & Techniques Reaper 5.11’s new Subprojects facility opens up entirely new ways of working. Published April 2016 Techniques
link Automate Anything With Reaper's Custom Actions Reaper Tips & Techniques Reaper’s Custom Actions facility allows you to automate pretty much anything. We show you how... Published March 2016 Techniques