Editor In Chief Sam Inglis has been with Sound On Sound for more than 24 years, rising through the SOS staff ranks until in 2020 he took over the Editor In Chief hotseat from Paul White.
Sam is a recording engineer, producer, songwriter and folk musician who studies the traditional songs of England and Scotland, and the author of two books: Neil Young's Harvest (Bloomsbury, 2003) and Teach Yourself Songwriting (Hodder, 2006).
As well as writing, Sam can be found presenting SOS Podcasts and SOS TV YouTube Exhibition Videos on our channels.
The creative force in the modern pop music business seems, increasingly, to reside with songwriter/producers like Gary Miller, who specialise in getting the best out of artists in collaboration.
The most affordable Pro Tools system ever promises trouble-free USB recording, high-quality audio hardware and the freedom to record wherever you want. Is it too good to be true?
UK garage is the biggest underground dance music phenomenon for years, and has taken London collective So Solid Crew to the top of the charts. Crew member Swiss talks to SOS about their approach to production.
Abbey Road's famous Studio One has played host to innumerable big-budget orchestral recordings for film, but the final session before its refurbishment in 2001 saw it being used for a new purpose: to record the soundtrack for a video game.
As someone who's been hugely successful both in his native Britain and his adopted home of the USA, producer Peter Collins has a uniquely international perspective on record production.
Software samplers are revolutionising studio recording, but can they replace their hardware counterparts in live performance? Jazz keyboardist Django Bates is in the process of finding out...