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    We look at the SSL Nucleus2

    From the AES show floor we look at SSL's new interface/DAW controller

    The SOS Award-winning SSL Nucleus has received a makeover, with some user-requested new functions, Dante connectivity and a polar white/grey colour scheme.

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    SSL announce Nucleus 2 ahead of AES 2016

    New SSL DAW controller/interface gains Dante interfacing

    Since its release in 2010 Nucleus has been hugely successful, even winning a Sound On Sound award. Now, Nucleus2 responds to customer requests with the addition of talkback, main/mini monitor switching, a change to Dante connectivity and a new white look.

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    KMI K-Mix now Windows compatible

    Support for unique interface/control surface expanded

    We were really impressed by the K-Mix from Keith Macmillan Instruments when we reviewed it back in the...

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