Xaoc Devices introduce Lublin VCA
Xaoc Devices say that you can never have too many VCAs, and as such, they’ve decided to add another to their growing collection of Eurorack modules.
Xaoc Devices say that you can never have too many VCAs, and as such, they’ve decided to add another to their growing collection of Eurorack modules.
XAOC brings two new Eurorack modules to the table in the form of the Batumi II and Poti II.
Despite looking like a simple VCO at first glance, Xaoc Devices’ latest Eurorack offering is said to be capable of delivering rather more than its appearance suggests.
A pair of Eurorack modules from Xaoc Devices reviewed, how do the Ostrawa mixer and Bohumin expander stack up?
Sofia is an oscillator that synthesizes vocal‑like formants without filtering, achieved by superimposing decaying sinusoidal tones onto each individual cycle of a fundamental base waveform.
Xaoc's Odessa aims to bring additive synthesis to the Eurorack world.