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Mixing / Production

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 items
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    Recording XFM Radio Sessions

    Chris Denman

    Working straight to DAT, with a minimum of equipment, Chris Denman records more bands in a year than most engineers manage in a lifetime.

    People Apr 2008
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    Secrets Of The Mix Engineers: Renaud Letang

    Feist: '1234'

    Aided by its memorable video and starring role in an iPod ad, Feist's '1234' has been a refreshingly different worldwide hit. Renaud Letang was behind the (vintage) desk during the recording and mixing sessions.

    Techniques Apr 2008
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    Mix Rescue: Jazz-Trio

    Jesper Buhl

    We help a home recordist on a budget to add that elusive polish to his jazz-trio recordings.

    Techniques Apr 2008
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    Phase Demystified

    Understanding Phase Cancellation

    Phase interactions are well known for their ability to destructively interfere with recorded signals, but an understanding of the process can turn it into one of the most powerful creative tools available to you.

    Techniques Apr 2008
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    Mix Rescue: Jazz-Trio | Audio Files

    Hear For Yourself

    Here are links to the audio files from APRIL 2008's MIX RESCUE article, for those readers who buy the magazine from the newsagent/bookstore and don't wish to type in all the long filenames.

    Techniques Apr 2008
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