You can hear the differences Mike Senior made to the individual elements of the mix, and to the mix as a whole by listening to these audio files. You can audition the MP3s online, but if you want to hear things in depth why not download the WAV files and import them into your sequencer?
- Bass Unprocessed bassunprocessed.mp3 bassunprocessed.wav
A section of the bass part, panned as in the remix, but otherwise unprocessed.
- Bass Processed bassprocessed-0408.mp3 bassprocessed-0408.wav
The bass part as it appears in the remix, complete with gentle EQ, reverb, and three types of compression: full-band parallel, full-band insert, and multi-band.
- Piano Unprocessed pianounprocessed.mp3 pianounprocessed.wav
The unprocessed piano part for the same section, panned as in the remix.
- Piano Processed pianoprocessed-0408.mp3 pianoprocessed-0408.wav
Parallel compression and reverb were used to create the final remix sound.
- Overheads Unprocessed overheadsunprocessed.mp3 overheadsunprocessed.wav
The overhead mics for same section of the song, panned as in the remix, but with no other treatment. Notice the sharp stick noises on the cymbal hits, something I later dealt with using multi-band compression.
- Kick D112 Unprocessed kickd112unprocessed.mp3 kickd112unprocessed.wav
The rather coloured-sounding kick-drum close-mic recording, courtesy of an AKG D112.
- Kick Batter Unprocessed kickbatterunprocessed.mp3 kickbatterunprocessed.wav
A second kick-drum mic was placed on the batter-head side, where it also picked up such nice-sounding snare spill that there was no need to use the signal from the dedicated snare close mic at all.
- Snare Unprocessed snareunprocessed.mp3 snareunprocessed.wav
It was fortunate that the snare close mic proved to be redundant, as it sounded very unnatural. In addition, the Shure SM57 used had captured some unpleasant-sounding hi-hat spill.
- Drums Processed drumsprocessed.mp3 drumsprocessed.wav
The complete drum sound, as it appears in the remix. Some multi-band compression and an EQ notch dealt respectively with stick noise and a tom resonance in the overhead mic signals, and another notch dipped a ringing on the batter-head kick-drum mic. I then used parallel compression and reverb to improve the detail and sustain of the drum mix as a whole and blend it with the production as a whole.
- Reverb Off reverboff.mp3 reverboff.wav
- Reverb On reverbon.mp3 reverbon.wav
These two files show the complete mix for the same section of the song, the first with the single SIR reverb send switched off, and the second with it active. This serves to demonstrate how much of the ambience is coming from the actual recordings, and how much I added artificially.
- Original Mix originalmix-0408.mp3
The mix that Jesper originally submitted to Mix Rescue.
- Remix remix-0408.mp3 remix-0408.wav
Mike's remix from the same multi-track files.