Korg have announced the upcoming launch of the miniKORG 700Sm, which recreates their iconic 1970s instrument, and the multi/poly Module, which delivers a desktop/rackmount module version of the recently released multi/poly.
miniKORG 700Sm
The miniKORG 700Sm is a new, compact tribute to Korg’s miniKORG 700 that has been enhanced to meet the needs of today’s musicians. It features a second oscillator, much like the 700S model that followed the original, allowing users to create a range of detuned bass and lead sounds and offering other enhancements such as ring modulation. Other modern-day additions include a built-in spring reverb, a joystick for controlling pitch-bend and modulation, aftertouch support, an arpeggiator, memory programs and expanded connectivity that includes USB, MIDI In and a CV/gate input.
A key feature of the original that remains is the Traveler controller, which consists of two parallel sliders placed below the instrument’s keyboard. The upper of the two controls governs the frequency of the instruments low-pass filter, while the lower slider takes control of the high-pass filter, making it possible to create a wide range of muted effects and wah-style sounds by manipulating both controls simultaneously.
In the original instrument, the sliders were manufactured with protrusions to physically prevent them from crossing — which in theory would result in no sound. However, due to the inherent imperfections of analogue filters, the instrument would still output sounds with the sliders crossed, and many players at the time shaved down the slider caps in search of new and interesting tones! As a result, Korg have decided to manufacture the latest reissue without any protrusions, allowing the instrument to cover a wider tonal range.
multi/poly Module
Korg have also announced that the multi/poly is now available as a desktop/rackmount module as well as a keyboard. We covered the instrument in SOS News back when it was announced, click here to take a look at the story.
Pricing & Availability
Availability for the miniKORG 700Sm and multi/poly module is yet to be confirmed. Prices are as follows:
- miniKORG 700Sm: £1169 including VAT.
- multi/poly Module: £709 including VAT.