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Polyverse launch free mono-compatible Wider plug-in

Get stereo width without sacrificing your mono mix

Infected Mushroom and Polyverse, the minds behind the inventive Manipulator and I Wish plug-ins, have just announced a brand new addition to their product line-up and it’s completely free. 

Wider, as the name might suggest, is a stereo widening tool but what sets it apart is that it’s “completely mono-compatible”, according to its makers. Using a one-of-a-kind, all-pass and comb filtering algorithm, Wider’s pseudo stereo effect lets you turn any mono signal into stereo but any signal that has been extended will always remain in phase with itself, even if summed to mono — something that’s critically important given the wide variety of mono playback platforms out there.

According to its makers, the algorithm is specifically designed to avoid phase cancellation. It’s bad enough to lose that stereo width on playback, but adding a load of unwanted phasing into the equation means traditional widening plug-ins sometimes have to be used sparingly. 

Wider can also be used to increase the stereo image of any signal up to 200% of full stereo for an extra wide, exaggerated effect.

Wider is available now from Polyverse Music for free.

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