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Studio workshops with Tony Platt and Mark Hutchinson

Folk recording masterclass announced

JAMES (the Joint Audio Media Education Services, an arm of the Music Producer’s Guild) have teamed up with Rooksmere Studios to offer a series of recording workshops.

The workshops will be held by Tony Platt, who has worked with such artists as Bob Marley, AC/DC, Buddy Guy and Toots & The Maytals, and Mark Hutchinson, whose recording credits include folk legends Linda Thompson and Martin Simpson.

Titled ‘Now’t So Strange As Folk’, these two-day affairs will be held on 9th to 10th October and 16th to 17th October. As the name suggests, they will focus on folk music, and specifically the recording of unusual acoustic instruments. The workshops will take place at Rooksmere Studios in Northampton, and will cost £300 to attend. Lunch and refreshments are included in the cost, as are a few drinks on the Saturday with the other attendees and, of course, Mark and Tony.

Only eight places are available on each workshop, however, so if you want to attend you should register quickly, as places are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, send an email to If you miss out on this one though, don't worry: more workshops are apparently in the pipeline, and these will cover mic techniques, hardware and software comparisons, and the analogue and digital audio domains.

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