Struggle with DIY mastering but can’t afford a pro? Perhaps Virtu can help you apply some polish...
Virtu is a machine‑learning‑based online mastering service: you upload your tracks (stereo WAV files, ideally at 44.1 or 48 kHz, and no bigger than 200MB), then choose from a few options and, after deliberating for a few seconds, Virtu will select 15 seconds of your uploaded track and create a preview of a mastered mix. If you like what you hear, you pay, and can upload the mastered mix to your streaming platform of choice. If not, you can try with different settings.
Originally offered only as part of Slate Digital’s All Access Pass bundle, Virtu is now available to non‑subscribers, who get two free credits on registering payment details (though note that the non‑subscription version costs a little more per track).
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