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Signal Processors

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    Fiedler Audio Spacelab 1.5 immersive reverb Dolby Atmos Composer integration

    Fiedler Audio update Spacelab reverb

    Immersive reverb plug-in gets major update

    Spacelab now seamlessly integrates with the company’s Dolby Atmos Composer software, providing immersive audio creators with a reverb that feeds directly into their Dolby Atmos mix.

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    Fiedler Audio Spacelab 1.5 immersive reverb Dolby Atmos Composer integration

    Fiedler Audio Spacelab 1.5 public beta

    Seamless integration with Dolby Atmos Composer

    The public beta of Spacelab 1.5 allows users to employ the Fiedler Audio's reverb plug-in on their immersive mixes without the need to manually setup any complex routing.

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