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Mixing / Production

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    Paul Epworth

    Producing Almost Everyone

    With credits ranging from Kate Nash to Bloc Party, Primal Scream and the Rapture, Paul Epworth might just be Britain's busiest producer.

    People Jan 2009
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    Chinese Crisis: Recording Hanggai's Folk Music

    Matteo Scumaci & Robin Haller

    The task of bringing Hanggai's Chinese folk music to Western ears was challenging enough in itself. But then things started to go wrong...

    People Jan 2009
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    Inside Track: AC/DC 'Black Ice'

    Secrets Of The Mix Engineers: Mike Fraser

    How do you capture the essence of pure rock & roll? For Mike Fraser and AC/DC, the answer was simple: get the sound right at source, track to analogue tape, and don't mess about with the results!

    Techniques Jan 2009
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    Mix Rescue: Barry Martin

    Editing Vocals and more

    We look at editing vocals for tighter timing, strategies for faking double-tracked electric guitar, and much, much more...

    Techniques Jan 2009
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    Mix Rescue: Barry Martin | Audio Files

    Hear For Yourself

    Here are the links to the MP3 and WAV files that accompany the January 2009 Mix Rescue article for our newsstand/bookstore readers who do not have eSub-access to the main web article and don't fancy typing in all the long URLs by hand.

    Techniques Jan 2009
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    Q. How can I simulate a 12-string guitar sound in the studio?

    I have someone coming into my studio to do some recording and I'm looking for a way to achieve a 12‑string guitar sound for...

    Sound Advice Jan 2009
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    Studio SOS: John Cowburn

    Help & Advice For The Home Studio

    We go old-school in this month's Studio SOS, as we visit a hardware-only studio and help John Cowburn to inject a Motown vibe into his mixes.

    Techniques Jan 2009
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    Cartoon Composing

    Scoring An Animated Series

    Composing for an animated series presents a different set of challenges to scoring for film or conventional TV. We look at what it takes to be a cartoon composer...

    Techniques Jan 2009
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