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Allen & Heath upgrade Mix Wizard

New features added to stereo source mixer
Allen & Heath have upgraded the Mix Wizard WZ20S and re-named it the WZ³20S, bringing the mixer up to speed with the rest of the range (the WZ³16:2, WZ³12:2 and WZ³14:4:2).

The WZ³20S is a compact 20:2 mixer with four mono channels and eight stereo channels, making it suitable for submixing multiple stereo sources, like keyboards and sound modules, on stage or in the studio.

There are six aux sends (switchable to pre- or post-fader), two stereo returns, 100mm faders, direct outs on the four mono channels and A and B inputs on all eight stereo channels. The user can switch between A and B signals, mix the two together or send A to the main output while sending B through the channel.

The 'WZ³' tag signifies that the 20S now features new and improved WZ³ mic preamps and has four-band EQ with in/out switching on every channel. The EQ on the four mono channels also offers sweepable high- and low-mid bands.

In addition to the main stereo output and master fader, the WZ³20S has a separate mono output and dedicated fader which can either be used to control the summed mono output or Aux 6. Under the hood, a range of internal configuration options for channel aux sends and direct outputs are available via pluggable jumpers.

The WZ³20S costs £999.95

Allen & Heath  +44 (0)1326 372070.

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