Critically-acclaimed mini-series The Night Manager, produced by the BBC, AMC and The Ink Factory, was a huge hit when it hit screens last year and was nominated for a staggering 36 awards, winning 11, including two Emmy Awards and three Golden Globes.
As well as featuring a stellar script and cast (Tom Hiddleston, Olivia Colman and Hugh Laurie) one of the things that really set the John le Carré adaptation apart was its feature-film production values.
To quote George Lucas, “Sound is 50 percent of the moviegoing experience” and with its cinematic feel, everything had to be right. That’s why the foley work for the most climactic episodes in the series were entrusted to Barnaby Smyth and Keith Partridge of Feet First Sound.
British console and audio interface makers Audient visited The Laundry Foley Studio, home of Feet First Sound to dissect a clip from The Night Manager and recreate the Foley track — from dusty footsteps to the shaking of Kalashnikov rifles. Watch the fascinating video above.
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