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Brick Lane modal compressor from Cranborne Audio

All-analogue compressor includes look-ahead function

Cranborne Audio Brick Lane 500 PWM modal compressor variable harmonics

Cranborne Audio are well known for their innovative approach to product design, and their latest release certainly continues the trend. Described as the world’s first modal compressor, Brick Lane 500 is an all-analogue PWM compressor that promises to deliver a huge tonal range thanks to six different operating modes and a variable Stress control designed to introduce some harmonic saturation. 

The unit’s front panel is equipped with Input, Threshold, Attack, Release and Output controls (all of which use 41-way detented pots), along with a toggle switch that offers a choice of 60, 100 and 200 Hz side-chain filter options. Another toggle switch then provides access to six operating modes, allowing the Brick Lane to cover a wide range of compression styles that span from clean and precise to distinctively characterful. For those who want an even more obvious-sounding compression, there’s a variable Stress control that can be used to introduce additional harmonics in every operation mode. 

Here’s a list of the six operation modes on offer, along with Cranborne’s descriptions:

  • Velvet: Vintage Vari-Mu-style musicality with Tube-inspired harmonic compression, offering smooth, organic dynamic control with vintage tonal warmth and character. 
  • Tame: Precision transient management with ultra-fast, transparent control and surgical dynamic precision.
  • Float: Transparent opto-inspired dynamics with moderate transparency and gentle, wave-like compression ballistics.
  • Glue: Glue together all the elements of your mix with this on your master bus for gentle bus-style compression.
  • Smash: FET-style transient dominance with aggressive dynamic reduction, and explosive punch and sonic impact.
  • Polish: Ultimate mastering-style limiting with the cleanest, fastest analogue limiter with our Analogue-Lookahead technology.

As with the Carnaby 500, Brick Lane is equipped with the company’s Optosync feature, which allows multiple units placed next to each other in a 500-series chassis to share control data. This makes it possible to synchronise multiple units, and it’s not limited to stereo operation — it’s possible to link an entire rack of Brick Lane compressors for use on multi-channel surround signals. 

“Continuing our dedication to true innovation and pushing the boundaries of audio, we are excited to announce our newest creation: Brick Lane 500. Whether you want the fastest, cleanest analogue compressor in existence, the vibey-est vintage compressor or anything in between, the Brick Lane 500 gives you the ultimate tool in analogue compression.” - Sean Karpowicz, MD, Cranborne Audio

Pricing & Availability

The Brick Lane 500 is priced at $599, with shipping info yet to be confirmed.

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