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Spitfire Audio release Intimate Grand Piano

Newest release in Originals series

Spitfire Audio Originals Intimate Grand Piano

Spitfire Audio have released Originals Intimate Grand Piano, the latest addition to their Originals series of instruments, featuring a vintage Steinway Model A recorded at Castlesound Studios in Scotland.

Spitfire Audio Originals Intimate Grand Piano recordingIn keeping with their usual approach, Spitfire have captured the instrument with a variety of mics which can be individually adjusted within the plug-in, allowing users to craft a versatile range of sounds. Pairs of Neumann M149 and Coles 4038 microphones positioned above the soundboard provide Condenser and Ribbon signals, whilst a third Binaural signal has been captured from the player’s perspective with a Neumann K100 Dummy Head. There are three dynamic layers, four controls (Reverb, Tightness, Hammers and Pedal) that allow more in-depth control over the sound, and a dynamics slider allows access to the loudest samples without the need to increase playing velocity.

As with all of the offerings in the Originals series, the library is housed within Spitfire’s own plug-in, with NKS support to allow integration with Native Instruments’ S-series controller keyboards.

Originals Intimate Grand Piano is available now, priced at £29 inc VAT.

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