SpectraLayers continues to develop at a spanking pace. We check out what’s new.
Given how fully AI is now integrated into the processing algorithms of SpectraLayers, it’s perhaps not wholly surprising that Steinberg have adopted a fairly rapid update cycle for their flagship spectral editing software. There is no sign of this slowing down; just 12 months after reviewing v10, we now have SpectraLayers Pro 11 (SLP11). So, what’s new in this release?
Well, quite a lot and — while many of the highlights are AI related — they are not exclusively so. These include UI refinements such as the Display Panel now allowing the control selection to be fully customised, a new Home screen on launch for quicker access to new or existing projects, and the Colour Dimming option available within the Selected Layers view of the Layers panel. The latter is very useful, allowing you to see selected layers in their full colour, while showing non‑selected layers ‘dimmed’ by a user‑defined amount in the background.
A new Modules panel provides easy access to all of the processing modules, with full customisation of the selection shown. For those with limited screen real estate, SLP11 also offers a ‘compact’ viewing option (accessed via the small double arrow icon at the very top of the Panels area of the UI) where panel options are compressed and represented by a thin vertical strip of icons.
However, from a workflow perspective, a particular highlight is the combination of the new Modules Chain option and the ability to batch process multiple files using these chains. Incidentally, this includes batch processing files through an unmixing process, and the generated layers are handled elegantly alongside their original source file. This whole workflow is impressive, allowing you to set SLP11 off on what might be quite a lengthy series of routine processing jobs while you multitask (for example, by consuming a hot beverage).
New Editing & Processing Options
SLP11 also brings new and improved editing and processing options. For example, there are new options to create fades around regions as you make your selection and a new loop preview option for auditioning as you edit. SLP11 also adds volume automation at either the file or layer level, accessed via new envelope buttons that sit alongside the existing mute, solo and polarity buttons within the Layers panel.
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