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Signal Processors

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    Q. Why does my kick lose weight when I compress the drum bus?

    Quite a few engineers who work with bands like driving their drum submix into fairly heavy compression, but whenever I try doing this it seems like I end up losing the low‑end weight from my kick drum...

    Sound Advice Jun 2024
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    Q. When should I start mixing through my bus compressor?

    At what point in the mixdown process do you think it’s best to engage the master‑bus compressor?

    Sound Advice Feb 2024
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    Q. Can Haas delays be mono-compatible?

    I’ve been using the Haas delay effect to add some nice width to my guitar parts. It sounds great, but I’ve noticed that when I listen in mono my guitars pretty much disappear from the mix. Any advice?

    Sound Advice Aug 2015
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    Q. How do I maximise loudness on tracks?

    I have been recording music for quite a few years now, but I always get the same problem when I listen back to my mixes:...

    Sound Advice May 2007
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    Q. Can I use a Mono compressor for Stereo compression?

    I was wondering if it's possible to use a single mono compressor that can be stereo linked (the Focusrite ISA430, for...

    Sound Advice May 2005
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    Q. How do I compress a stereo source?

    I am recording using a spaced-pair miking setup and I want to apply light compression to the signal. Where in the signal chain should I insert the compressor (pre- or post-fade), and will I have to buy a dedicated stereo compressor to do the job properly?

    Sound Advice Oct 2004
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    Q. In what order should I compress and EQ?

    When using a compressor and an EQ as insert effects on a snare drum, is it better to use compression followed by EQ or EQ first then compression?

    Sound Advice Sep 2004
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    Q & A

    Your Questions Answered

    What advantages are there to variable input impedance? • How can I extract loops from audio sample CDs? • Can I use the True Tape option in Cubase to prevent clipping? • Should I use S/PDIF or AES for long cable runs? • Can you have too much low-frequency absorption? • What's the best way to use the multiple filters on my soft synth?

    Sound Advice Jun 2003
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    20 Tips On Using Effects In The Mix

    Processing Guidelines

    The way you use effects and processors can make or break a mix. Paul White offers 20 useful tips to help you get it right first time.

    Sound Advice Jul 1999
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