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Signal Processors

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    AMS Neve - Mark Crabtree

    AMS Neve - Mark Crabtree | Podcast

    Talking Tech

    Mark Crabtree of AMS Neve chats with Sam Inglis about how two of the biggest names in UK audio technology came together, and how they are using their unique expertise in analogue and digital audio to develop their next wave of studio products.

    Music Business Jun 2020
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    Rupert Neve: The SOS Interview (Video)

    Video Feature

    In this month's video interview  we meet a living legend of the audio industry, Mr Rupert Neve himself. Over 25 minutes, we talk transformers, software modelling, and get the story of how he created the world's first high-Q equaliser.

    People Oct 2015
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    Vic Keary

    Thermionic Culture Valve Designs

    SOS talks to a British designer who thinks audio in the 21st century is still best served by tube.

    People Jun 2004
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    Fred Speckeen Of TC-Helicon

    The Science Of Voice Modelling

    TC‑Helicon's revolutionary VoiceCraft card for their VoicePrism processor allows the user to radically reshape the whole character of a vocal sound, adding tonal and inflectional changes that go way beyond the capabilities of current voice processors. Paul White talks technology with designer Fred Speckeen.

    People Apr 2001
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