The following Audio examples accompany our Cubase: String Theory Part 2 workshop article.
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Audio Example 01
This is our end point from Part 1 of the String Theory workshop. The chord sequence is being played with notes from the original sustained chords distributed across 5 separate tracks with the HSSE Pro Large Strings VX preset installed. Instances of Arpache SX and Transformer are active on all five of the string tracks. Different arpeggiation settings have been used in each case. The result is close to the intended performance style but is both too busy (to many notes) and lacks the sorts of playing dynamics required to give some sense of realism.
Audio Example 02
The same sequence as in example 1 but, after using the Merge MIDI In Loop command on each of the five tracks to rendering the MIDI note output from the Arpache SX and Transformer plugins to a MIDI clip, those MIDI clips have been edited by thinning (muting) some of the note data to create and ebb and flow between the string sub-sections and add a more interesting sense of rhythm to the performance.
Audio Example 03
The same sequence as in example 2 but the addition of some performance articulation changes added. For most of the string lines, the spiccato f and spiccato ff are the main articulations used.
Audio Example 04
The same sequence as in example 3 but with additional MIDI editing applied. The Logical Editor has been used to add both accents and some humanisation (subtle randomisation) of both timing and note velocity. Finally, a small amount of manual note velocity editing has been applied.
Audio Example 05
The example starts with the same sequence as in example 4 but then adds a second phrase. As well as the various editing and articulation options already outlined, this second phrase used the alternative starting point described at the end of the main text and also made use of the StepDesigner plugin to create the top-line melody played by the 1st violins. A faster note run from this melody played at the end of the four bar sequence has also been copied to the some of the other sub-sections to add emphasis.