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Cables / Connectors

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    Signex Isopatch CPJ48

    48-way Patchbay

    Paul White gives a new patchbay a shameless (jack) plug...

    Reviews Jul 1998
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    Using An Optically Connected Multi-channel Digital Setup

    Wix Wicken: Songs And Visions

    The spread of the ADAT 8-channel optical digital interface to studio equipment of all kinds has raised the prospect of a revolution in multitrack digital recording. Self-confessed digital evangelist (amd Korg UK product specialist) Paul Wiffen explains how the optical digital interface and several fibreglass cables made keyboard session player Wix Wickens' life easier at last year's prestigious Songs and Visions concert at Wembley.

    Techniques Feb 1998
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    MIDIMAN Digipatch12X6

    Digital Audio Patchbay

    Midiman are a company devoted to producing cost-effective problem solvers, and with the Digipatch they're aiming to solve the problem of affordable digital patching. Paul White finds out how well they've succeeded.

    Reviews Dec 1997
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    Z Systems Z161R


    Now that digital equipment is arriving in project studios, a patchbay becomes a worthwhile purchase. Mike Collins goes back to his routes...

    Reviews Oct 1997
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    Neutrik 48-Way Jack Patchbay

    Low‑cost jack patchbays are available from a number of sources, but most tend to use the same type of budget jack socket...

    Reviews Feb 1997
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    Isotrack Smartpatch


    As an exercise in lateral thinking, re-patching your studio is a delight. As an actual prospect, it's somewhat more daunting. Paul White plugs into a programmable patchbay and lets his fingers do the walking...

    Reviews Apr 1996


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