Tired of navigating complex audio software with just a mouse and keyboard? Then a control surface might be just what you need. Here’s our selection of current models, with links to the SOS review where available.
Pedalboards and foot controllers are usually seen as the preserve of guitarists rather than of DJs and keyboardists — but if one man has his way, that might just be about to change...
It looks like something that should be plugged into a games console, but Inspired Instruments’ You Rock Guitar just might be the MIDI guitar controller you’ve always wanted!
Livid Instruments' new control surface boasts not only an unusual flexibility — courtesy of its custom editing software — but also some fine handmade wooden end-cheeks...
Fed up with the vagaries of pitch-to-MIDI guitar, but don't have time to learn to play a keyboard? The Ztar offers clean, keyboard-like MIDI from an instrument that guitar players can relate to instantly. It could be just what you need...
Offering hands-on DAW control and a 32-input analogue console with bus compressor, Audient's latest mixer is very impressive indeed — and it's not as expensive as you might expect...
The follow-up to the revolutionary Eigenharp Alpha is designed to make the essence of the Eigenharp experience more accessible and affordable. How well does it succeed?