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DAW Software

A DAW, which stands for Digital Audio Workstation, is a software tool that enables users to capture, modify, and create audio content. It is utilised in various contexts such as music production, sound design, game audio, film and TV post-production, and podcasting.

Primary uses of a DAW

The primary purposes of contemporary Digital Audio Workstation software comprise: 

Recording: All DAWs enable users to capture audio from different sources like microphones, instruments, and MIDI controllers using an Audio Interface connected to the computer.

Editing:  DAWs enable users to cut, copy, paste, and rearrange sections of audio files. They also provide a range of tools for improving the quality of audio, including noise reduction, EQ, and compression.

Mixing: Digital Audio Workstations enable users to blend various audio tracks, modifying volumes, positioning, and adding effects to produce a unified end result.

Mastering: Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) provide features like loudness normalisation and EQ adjustments to ensure the final audio meets industry standards.

Advantages of utilising a Digital Audio Workstation

Efficiency: DAWs enable users to efficiently record, edit, and produce audio with ease, cutting down on time and effort when compared to traditional analogue techniques.

Flexibility: DAWs offer a wide range of tools and features that allow users to customise their audio production process and achieve the desired results.

Collaboration: Numerous DAWs provide tools that enable users to work together and collaborate on projects from different locations, simplifying the process of collaborating on audio projects such as podcasts and song creation.

Portability: Digital Audio Workstations are compatible with different devices such as desktop computers (Mac/PC) , laptops and tablets, allowing users to work on audio projects conveniently from any location.

There are many popular software DAWs, some of which come built into the Operating System of your favourite computer, such as Apple GarageBand on Macs. Sound On Sound regularly covers all the top brands in its monthly DAW Masterclasses. From Steinberg Cubase and Avid Pro Tools, PreSonus Studio One and Apple Logic Pro, MOTU Digital Performer to Ableton Live, Reason Studios Reason and Cockos Reaper, you'll find how-to techniques and tips for all of these and other DAWs collected under the sections shown above.

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    Using Waveburner: Part 1

    The Basics

    Waveburner is bundled free with Logic Pro and offers some significant power in the mastering department. We take a look at the hidden jewel in Apple's crown.

    Techniques Dec 2006
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    Pitch & Tempo Manipulation In Logic

    Logic Tips & Techniques

    You can now update Logic's creaky old pitch and tempo manipulation routines with third-party algorithms from names such as Serato, Izotope, and Celemony. We compare the options to find out whether these upgrades are worth it.

    Techniques Nov 2006
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    Networking Macs: Using Nodes In Logic

    Logic Notes & Techniques

    Logic allows you to multiply the processing power of your studio system by networking multiple computers together. But how well does this actually work in practice?

    Techniques Oct 2006
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    Remixing Techniques In Logic

    Logic Tips & Techniques

    Everything you need to know to create precise and original remixes using this premier MIDI+Audio sequencer!

    Techniques Sep 2006
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    Logic: Getting Started With Surround Sound

    Logic Tips & Techniques

    The facilities for surround sound in Logic Pro v7 are often overlooked, so here we take a peek at how to get going.

    Techniques Aug 2006
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    Logic: Editing Chords & Signatures With Global Tracks

    Logic Tips & Tricks

    The Global Tracks can not only display chords, key/time signatures, and transpose values — they also let you edit them easily.

    Techniques Jul 2006
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    Using Logic's Global Markers

    Logic Tips & Techniques

    Markers have always been available in Logic, but the new Global Tracks feature (introduced in version 7) makes them much easier to use and manipulate than in earlier versions.

    Techniques Jun 2006
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    Logic: Tempo-Matching With Global Tracks

    Logic Tips & Techniques

    Global Tracks let you manipulate the bars and beats of your Song to match freely-played MIDI or audio recordings. Find out how to tempo-match...

    Techniques May 2006
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    What's New In Logic v7.2

    Logic Tips & Techniques

    Although the new version of Logic is billed just as a Universal Binary crossgrade, it does more than simply allow the sequencer to run on the new Intel-based Macs. Read on...

    Techniques Apr 2006
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    Creating A Drum Editor In Logic

    Logic Tips & Techniques

    Some users of Steinberg's Cubase complain that Logic has no specialised drum editor. Little do they know that Logic lets you build your own.

    Techniques Mar 2006
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    Mastering In Logic

    Logic Tips & Techniques

    More tips on mastering your tracks this month, specifically for those musicians who find themselves limited to using Logic's own bundled plug-ins.

    Techniques Feb 2006
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    Mastering In Logic: 1

    Logic Tips & Techniques

    We look at how to combine your hardware and the software-processing within Logic for mastering purposes.

    Techniques Jan 2006
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