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Looking for The One?

Arturia trial offer

Arturia have announced an innovative new way for customers to try out their complete set of soft-synths while only committing to buying one. ‘The One’ (as the scheme is called) is a boxed DVD containing all eight of Arturia’s instruments (Analog Factory 2.5, Minimoog V, Moog Modular V, ARP2600V, CS80V, Prophet V, Jupiter 8V and Brass 2), and it allows you to install and use them all for 15 days, after which you can choose one to register and keep.

The box costs exactly the same as one of the individual instruments (£175), so if you’re tempted by the idea of one of Arturia’s highly regarded software instruments but can’t make your mind up about which one to get, this looks like the perfect solution — though no doubt Arturia hope you’ll be tempted to buy a few more once you’ve tried them all out! For more info, check out the Arturia web site.

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