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Neyrinck V-Control Pro 2 adds surround panner

Remote control software gets V-Panner & updated V-Console fader app

Neyrinck have announced an upgrade to their V-Control Pro 2 media control system — the inclusion of a new free V-Panner app for surround and stereo panning and some serious upgrades to the V-Console fader control app.

The V-Panner is a controller for surround and stereo mixing in Pro Tools, and stereo mixing in Logic Pro and Cubase. It runs on iOS and Android tablets and phones with wireless networking, on a laptop web browser, or direct wired connection from the iPad. You can set up two mono track surround panners, or a stereo track surround panner, for intuitive touch-panning control. V-Panner also includes an innovative motion feature that allows panning to follow the motion of a smartphone, in case you want to pan like a Jedi. 

V-Console is a free 8 or 16 fader iOS and Android control app for recording, editing and mixing that can also use multiple devices for up to 32 faders of control. New V-Console upgrades include V-Window that allow users to control plug-ins using the actual plug-in screens, and an improved insert and plug-in popup window.

Already used by the Slate Raven MTi2 and MTX mk2 systems to connect to Pro Tools  and Logic Pro, the V-Control Pro 2 system is available on iOS and Android tablets and phones with wireless networking, on a laptop web browser, or direct wired connection from the iPad.

V-Control Pro 2 system can be purchased for only US$49.99 for an annual license from the Neyrinck Store. A limited version free trial is also available. V-Console and V-Panner free apps are available from the Neyrinck website for Android and web, and from the Apple App store for iOS devices. Legacy V-Control Pro version 1.9 iPad customers can download V-Control Pro 2 software for free for complete V-Control Pro 1.9 compatibility with their OS X and Windows media applications.

V-Control Pro 2 supported OSX and Windows applications:
Cubase, Digital Performer, Live, Logic Pro X, Mackie Control, MIO Console, Premiere Pro, Pro Tools, Reaper, Reason, Studio One, Tracktion

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