Sony have announced the upcoming launch of a new headphone model in their pro-audio range, the MDR-M1. The latest addition to their line-up is said to combine studio-quality sound with extreme comfort and reliability, while being suitable to a wide range of music production and high-resolution audio applications.
The company’s pro-audio experts have developed the new headphones in collaboration with some of the music industry’s top engineers including Mike Piacentini, a mastering engineer at Battery Studios, and Akihiro Nishimura, a mix engineer of Power Station at Berklee NYC. The resulting design employs a newly developed driver unit that achieves a playback bandwidth of 5Hz – 80kHz and is capable of delivering a high output level while maintaining low distortion figures.
A closed-back design helps to provide isolation from ambient noise and prevent headphone spill, but also incorporates a tuned port that acts as a ventilation hole to help control the headphones’ low-frequency output. Sony say that they have also optimised the diaphragm with the aim of improving low-frequency transients and maintaining a tight and accurate bass response. Importantly, the MDR-M1’s also boasts an ergonomic, lightweight construction that helps to ensure a comfortable fit over long listening sessions.
Pricing & Availability
The MDR-M1 will be available later in September 2024, priced at $249.99£209 including VAT / €249.