TK Audio have announced the launch of the DP3, a new two-channel preamp that replaces their flagship DP2. Featuring a hybrid design that includes both modern and vintage-inspired circuits, the unit promises to deliver the low-mid ‘punch’ associated with British Class-A designs from the early 1970s as well as offering a cleaner modern tone.
Each channel’s input stage employs a high-quality Lundahl transformer, which is followed by selectable saturation and germanium-based circuits designed to introduce additional harmonic content. There’s still the option to engage a Class-A output stage, but rather than using switchable output stages — as was the case with the DP2 — TK Audio have instead placed it before the output level control, making it possible to drive its Carnhill transformers harder for effect without the risk of clipping at the A-D conversion stage.
Along with its microphone inputs the DP3 also features a Hi-Z instrument input on each channel, which benefits from a dedicated activation switch so that instruments can remain connected at all times, as well as a Direct switch that bypasses the input transformer.
Each channel is equipped with a stepped gain control that offers up to +80dB of gain in 5dB increments, a phantom power toggle switch, a -30dB pad, a button that offers a choice of either a 400Ω or 1.6kΩ input impedance, a polarity button and a switchable, variable (30 – 400Hz) high-pass filter. There are also three switches that allow the saturation, germanium and Class-A circuitry to be inserted independently.
Pricing & Availability
The DP3 is available now, priced at $1899£1618.80 including VAT / €1599.