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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 items
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    Tokyo Dawn Labs TDR Special Filters mixing mastering low- high-frequency filtering plug-ins

    Tokyo Dawn Labs unveil Special Filters bundle

    Four new filter plug-ins & free frequency analyser

    Tokyo Dawn Labs' latest plug-ins offer specialist solutions for situations where traditional EQ processors may fall short.

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    Tokyo Dawn Records SimuLathe

    Vinyl Mastering Preparation Plug-in

    This clever new plug‑in can be used by vinyl cutting engineers to help get the best results from their tools and medium — or simply as a way to learn more about vinyl mastering.

    Reviews Apr 2023
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    Tokyo Dawn Labs Simulathe Ref virtual vinyl mastering disk cutting lathe educational plug-in

    Simulathe Ref by Tokyo Dawn Labs

    Offers educational insight into vinyl cutting process

    The Simulathe Ref plug-in features a virtual cutting lathe, and aims to provide audio engineers with an insight into the process of producing vinyl discs.

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    Tokyo Dawn Labs Moloto

    Tokyo Dawn breathe new life into Molot

    Much-loved compressor plug-in updated

    The much-loved freeware Molot compressor plug-in has been given a major overhaul.

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