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    Two notes Genome amp cabinet effects modelling software spring reverb wah effects pedals

    Two notes update Genome

    Modelling package gains new amps & effects

    The first major update for Genome adds five new Components that offer a mixture of new amp and effects pedal models.

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    IK Multimedia MESA/Boogie Reference Signature Collection Dual Triple Rectifier Mark IIC+ Mark IV amp cabinet model TONEX

    MESA/Boogie Reference Signature Collection from IK Multimedia

    Created in collaboration with legendary amp designers

    The latest bundle of Tone Models to join the TONEX collection captures five popular MESA/Boogie amps played through two different cabinets.

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    TH-U Made In Rock Overloud/ILIO collection

    Overloud and ILIO unveil TH-U Made In Rock series

    Virtual amp collection honouring rock history

    This innovative virtual amp collection pays tribute to rock history, powered by Overloud's cutting-edge Fluid Capturing technology.

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    Neural DSP Archetype Gojira X guitar amp cabinet simulation emulation plug-in Quad Cortex

    Neural DSP release Archetype: Gojira X

    Heavy metal amp & cabinet simulation plug-in upgraded

    The latest version of Archetype: Gojira introduces some useful functionality updates, and paves the way for compatibility with Neural DSP's Quad Cortex hardware system.

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