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Universal Audio SC-1

Modelling Microphone By Sam Inglis
Published June 2024

UA’s new range brings mic modelling to the masses!

Universal Audio SC-1When Universal Audio acquired mic modelling maestros Townsend Labs, the obvious intention was to deploy their Sphere technology in more affordable, simpler products. The first step along this road was last year’s Sphere LX, and UA have now gone much further.

The Sphere DLX and LX have separate outputs for the front and rear sides of the capsule, allowing the polar pattern to be manipulated in the Sphere plug‑in, but requiring two matched preamp channels. The new generation of UA modelling mics are fixed‑cardioid designs that connect to a single preamp input, just like any other mic. There are separate large‑diaphragm, small‑diaphragm and moving‑coil models, plus a cut‑down version of the Sphere plug‑in named Hemisphere, which can run natively or on UAD hardware DSP platforms.

Depending on which source mic you have, Hemisphere delivers a curated selection of modelled mics that use the same operating principle. For the SP‑1 pencil mic, that means a Neumann‑heavy catalogue including the KM54, 56, 84 and 86, plus an AKG C451/CK1, whilst SD‑1 dynamic mic owners get...

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