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    Kemper Profiler Player pedalboard amp modelling effects pedal

    Kemper reveal Profiler Player

    Profiler range gains pedalboard-friendly model

    Kemper's new Profiler Player comes in a compact stompbox enclosure, and is fully compatible with any Profile from the company’s extensive library of free and commercial offerings.

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    Stone Deaf FX Rise & Shine octave-up fuzz tremolo guitar effects pedal

    Rise & Shine pedal from Stone Deaf FX

    Combines octave-up fuzz and tremolo effects

    The latest addition to the Stone Deaf FX pedal line-up promises to please everyone from Blues aficionados to Metal shredders.

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    HeadRush ReValver 5 amp cabinet simulation software

    HeadRush introduce ReValver 5

    Free to download with optional paid expansions

    The latest version of HeadRush’s amp modelling software has arrived, boasting improvements to the ACT cabinet modelling and EQ matching, integration with the company’s hardware pedalboard units and more.

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