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Signal Processors

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    SSL X-DynEQ 24-band dynamic parametric EQ plug-in

    SSL uncover X-DynEQ

    Plug-in collection gains 24-band dynamic EQ

    SSL's latest software release builds on the concept of their X-EQ 2 plug-in in an effort to provide users with the definitive tool for all their recording, mixing and mastering needs. 

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    SSL Module8 multi-effects modulation plug-in

    SSL release Module8 effects plug-in

    Features six LFO-driven processing modules

    The latest addition to SSL's Complete line-up combines a selection of classic effects processes with the power and versatility of a modern plug-in environment.

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    SSL PlateVerb plate reverb emulation plug-in

    SSL announce PlateVerb plug-in

    Classic plate sounds with modern functionality

    SSL's latest plug-in provides the classic plate reverb sound, but also includes some useful modern features such as built-in ‘ducking’ capabilities and a freeze function.

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    SSL 4K E analogue large-format console channel strip plug-in

    SSL 4K E channel strip plug-in released

    Emulates company's iconic 4000E console

    SSL's new 4K E Plug-in is said to authentically recreate the sound, processing and workflow of their revered 4000E console.

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    SSL B-DYN B-Series 500-series dynamics compressor expander gate de-esser hardware module

    SSL unveil B-DYN 500-series module

    Alternative sound to later E-Series design

    Based on SSL's first console, the B-DYN dynamics module offers an aggressive, ‘grabby’ character that is very different from their later E- and 9000-Series designs.

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    SSL G3 MultiBusComp multi-band G-Series bus compressor plug-in 4K saturation

    G3 MultiBusComp plug-in from SSL

    Multi-band version of legendary compressor

    SSL's latest plug-in offers three independent bands of G-Series compression, as well as variable saturation controls and a range of side-chain routing and processing options.

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    SSL SubGen subharmonic synthesizer low end bass enhancement LFE generator plug-in

    SSL unveil SubGen plug-in

    Four bands of subharmonic synthesis

    SSL's latest plug-in claims to be the ultimate tool for bass generation and low-frequency enhancement, combining a four-band subharmonic synthesizer with overdrive and compression processors.

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    SSL Guitarstrip acoustic guitar bass channel strip plug-in

    SSL release Guitarstrip plug-in

    All-in-one guitar-focused channel strip

    SSL's Guitarstrip is an all-in-one channel strip plug-in equipped with four carefully tailored processing modules and aimed at electric, acoustic and bass guitar parts.

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    SSL The Bus+

    The Bus+ from SSL

    Read our exclusive first review!

    New stereo analogue processor offers compression, dynamic EQ & more.

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    SSL Fusion analogue colouration box debuted at AES

    Five all-new analogue processors designed to bring life to in-the-box mixes

    We brought you...

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    SSL Fusion aims to bring analogue character to in-the-box mixes

    New 2U processor is designed to add warmth, saturation, depth, width and sparkle

    What does the modern producer or mixer need at the end of their mix bus, besides a compressor? SSL think they have the answer in the shape of Fusion, their brand new 2U rackmount analogue processor.

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