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Signal Processors

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    FabFilter Pro-R 2 algorithmic reverb plug-in immersive audio Dolby Atmos

    FabFilter release Pro-R 2 reverb plug-in

    Atmos support, new algorithms & much more

    The latest version of FabFilter’s popular reverb plug-in introduces two new reverb algorithms, full immersive audio support with channel layouts up to 9.1.6, impulse response import capabilities and much more.

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    Eddie Bazil

    Compression And Expansion | SOS Podcast

    7 Practical Examples

    Eddie Bazil demystifies Compression and Expansion with a detailed explanation of their uses, which he demonstrates using plug-ins through seven practical examples.

    Techniques Apr 2023
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    How And When To Use Multiband Compression

    Mix Processing Benefits

    Multiband compressors offer unique advantages over their broadband cousins — but they also present some perilous pitfalls for the unwary.

    Techniques Aug 2020
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    Main screen of FabFilter Saturn 2 multiband distortion/saturation plug-in.

    FabFilter Saturn 2 released

    Major update for multiband saturation/distortion plug-in

    FabFilter have decided to rebuild their multiband distortion and saturation plug-in from the ground up in a major redesign that brings it in line with the clean and simple GUI of their more popular plug-ins whilst peppering Saturn 2 with a host of new, enticing features.

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    Production Techniques Using Gates & Expanders

    Golden Gates

    You can do so much more with noise gates and expanders than nix unwanted noise...

    Techniques Sep 2018
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    FabFilter Pro-EQ 2 iOS logo.

    FabFilter Pro-Q 2 for iPad

    Full-featured AUv3 EQ plug-in for iPad

    FabFilter have released Pro-Q 2 as an AUv3 plug-in for iPad, so you can now use this well-respected EQ in...

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    FabFilter promise more musical approach to reverb

    Fabfilter release Pro-R reverb plug-in

    Promising a more musical approach to reverb, Pro-R is the latest plug-in from FabFilter. It combines a range...

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