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    Superbooth supremo Andreas Schneider

    Sweet Booth

    Berlin’s Funkhaus welcomes inaugural Superbooth event

    We report on Superbooth 16, which brought together not only a huge number of boutique synth makers, but larger synth manufacturers including Roland, Yamaha and Korg.

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    The Minimoog is back for good

    Moog's iconic monosynth back in full production

    The Minimoog is back. Not in limited quantities. Not as a special edition. The iconic Minimoog Model D...

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    Zont pocket-sized digital synth announced

    Gameboy meets pocket synth in Zont

    Zont is an as-yet unreleased pocket-sized digital synth that is part Teenage Engineering Pocket Operator and...

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    Behringer tease new analogue synth

    Long-rumoured synthesizer (almost) revealed

    For several years there have been rumours circulating about a Behringer synth. Now, it seems, the rumours are...

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