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Digital Performer

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    CD Burning With Digital Performer 6

    Digital Performer Notes & Techniques

    MOTU's Digital Performer 6 hugely simplifies the task of CD burning, while at the same time allowing more complex burning tasks to be undertaken. We talk you through the options.

    Techniques May 2009
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    File-format Troubleshooting In Digital Performer

    Digital Performer Notes & Techniques

    We present a DP-users guide to troubleshooting audio files and formats, and pass on tips for when the unthinkable happens...

    Techniques Mar 2009
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    Guitar Recording Methods In Digital Performer

    Digital Performer Notes & Techniques

    Achieving exactly the recorded guitar tone youre after is easier than its ever been, with the facilities on offer in a DAW package such as Digital Performer...

    Techniques Feb 2009
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    Digital Performer 6: More New Features

    Digital Performer Notes & Techniques

    Version 6 of DP comes with improved hosting of Audio Unit plug-ins — but what does that mean for the MAS format? We consider the issues, and bring you a guide to DP's new bundled convolution reverb, ProVerb.

    Techniques Jan 2009
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    Plug-in Management In Digital Performer

    Digital Performer Notes & Techniques

    If you've lots of third-party plug-ins in different formats, it can be a pain to keep tabs on where they're stored and which version to use. We explain how DP's plug-in manager functionality can help, as well as offering guidance on DP6 features, including the essential new 'pre-generation'.

    Techniques Dec 2008
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    Digital Performer 6 Upgrade Guide

    Digital Performer Notes & Techniques

    Digital Performer has retained the same basic look and feel from its introduction right up to version 5.13 — but no more. The new DP6 looks almost like a different application, and conforms much more to OS X standards, so this month we bring you the first-look guide to what's new.

    Techniques Oct 2008
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    Digital Performer's Memory Cycle Feature

    Digital Performer Notes & Technique

    DP's Memory Cycle can benefit you whatever kind of music you make. We look at how to work smart and fast with this crucial feature.

    Techniques Sep 2008
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    Digital Performer: Looping

    Digital Performer Notes & Techniques

    How do you create a four-minute masterpiece out of just a few measures? And what's the best reverb to make you sound like that drumming gorilla on the TV ad? These questions, and more, answered in this month's Digital Performer workshop...

    Techniques Aug 2008
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    Digital Performer's Drum Editor

    Digital Performer Notes & Techniques

    DP's Drum Editor provides a unique environment for programming and editing MIDI data, free from the 'piano roll' - and it's not just for drums, either. We look at how to get the best from this great feature.

    Techniques Jul 2008
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    DP Audio Production Tricks

    Digital Performer Notes & Techniques

    DP offers an excellent environment for working with the little pieces of 'ear candy', such as filtered drops, beat-mangled breaks and reversed audio phrases, that can make such an impact in pop and electronica production. We look at some of the techniques involved.

    Techniques Jun 2008
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    Using The Liquid Mix With Digital Performer

    Digital Performer Notes & Techniques

    We offer a clutch of hints and tips for DP users considering adding a Focusrite Liquid Mix DSP plug-in platform to their setup.

    Techniques May 2008
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    Digital Performer v6 — New Feature Preview

    Digital Performer Notes & Techniques

    The days are getting longer and Spring is definitely springing, but with so many exciting product announcements recently — including Digital Performer 6 — DP users might well feel like it's Christmas all over again.

    Techniques Apr 2008
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    Input Monitoring in Digital Performer

    Digital Performer Notes & Techniques

    There's more useful stuff than you can shake a stick at this month, including advice on input monitoring, ways to get around latency issues, and news of CD-burning and audio networking applications to make your life easier.

    Techniques Mar 2008
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    Complex DP Monitoring Techniques

    Digital Performer Notes & Techniques

    Everyone performs better when they can hear exactly what they need in their headphones. After our guide to simple DP monitor mixing options last month, we follow up with ideas for those with more complex monitoring requirements.

    Techniques Feb 2008
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    Effective Monitor Mixing With Digital Performer

    Digital Performer Notes & Techniques

    With so many exciting features on offer in modern DAWs, it's easy to overlook less glamorous things that you need every day. A prime example is proper monitoring — not sexy, but a crucial factor in successful multitrack recording.

    Techniques Jan 2008
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    Using Digital Performer With Reason

    Digital Performer Notes & Techniques

    Propellerhead's Reason software studio offers some great instruments and makes a good partner for DP - but there are various things to be aware of if you want to create the most hassle-free partnership. Our in-depth look at using the two applications together explains it all.

    Techniques Dec 2007
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    MachFive 2 & Digital Performer

    Digital Performer Notes

    We take a look at how MOTU's new MachFive 2 sampler integrates with Digital Performer 5, explore a DP plug-in that makes it easier to work with MIDI controllers, and round up the customary batch of news and tips for DP users.

    Techniques Nov 2007
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    Managing Audio Plug-ins In Digital Performer

    Digital Performer Notes & Techniques

    DP supports a wide range of plug-in and virtual instrument formats, which is great for flexibility and variety but sometimes not so good when it comes to trouble-free operation. We explain how to take the pain out of plug-in management.

    Techniques Oct 2007
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    Audio Regions & CD Creation in Digital Performer: Part 2

    Digital Performer Notes & Techniques

    DP's native Sound Designer II audio format can carry region information within files. That fact may not sound especially significant — but with the help of our guide you can use it to help you compile and burn CDs quickly and easily.

    Techniques Sep 2007
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    Preparing Tracks For CD Burning

    Digital Performer Notes & Techniques

    This month, a look at how some of DP's features can be used to co-ordinate multiple finished tracks prior to burning an album or EP.

    Techniques Aug 2007
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    Using Real-time MIDI Plug-ins In Digital Performer

    Digital Performer Tips & Techniques

    MIDI plug-ins are often overlooked, regarded perhaps as the poor relations of the more glamorous audio type, but they can give you real power-user status if you take the trouble to investigate their capabilities.

    Techniques Jun 2007


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