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A DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) is a software program that allows users to record, edit, and produce audio files. It is used in many different settings, including music production, sound design, game audio, film and TV post-production, and podcasting.

Main Functions of a DAW

The main functions of modern-day Digital Audio Workstation software include:

Recording: DAWs allow users to record audio from a variety of sources, such as microphones, instruments, and MIDI controllers.

Editing: DAWs allow users to edit audio files by cutting, copying, pasting, and rearranging sections of audio. They also offer a variety of tools for cleaning up and enhancing audio, such as noise reduction, EQ, and compression.

Mixing: DAWs allow users to mix multiple audio tracks together, adjusting levels, panning, and applying effects to create a cohesive final product.

Mastering: DAWs offer tools and features for mastering audio, such as loudness normalization and EQ adjustments to ensure that the final audio product meets industry standards.

Main Benefits of using a DAW

Some of the main benefits of using a DAW include:

  • Efficiency: DAWs allow users to quickly and easily record, edit, and produce audio, saving time and effort compared to traditional analog methods.
  • Flexibility: DAWs offer a wide range of tools and features that allow users to customize their audio production process and achieve the desired results.
  • Collaboration: Many DAWs offer features that allow users to collaborate together and work on projects remotely, making it easier to work with others on audio projects like podcasts and song ideation.
  • Portability: DAWs can be used on a variety of devices, including computers, laptops, and tablets, making it easier to work on audio projects from anywhere.

There are many popular software DAWs, some of which come built into the Operating System of your favourite computer, such as Apple GarageBand on Macs. Sound On Sound regularly covers all the top brands in its monthly DAW Masterclasses. From Steinberg Cubase and Avid Pro Tools, PreSonus Studio One and Apple Logic Pro, MOTU Digital Performer to Ableton Live, Reason Studios Reason and Cockos Reaper, you'll find how-to techniques and tips for all of these and other DAWs collected under the sections shown above.

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    Locking Logic Sequences To A Live Take

    Logic Tips & Techniques

    Although rather time-consuming, this technique for locking your sequencer to a live take is often the best.

    Techniques Feb 2005
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    Logic: Synchronising Sequences To Live Audio

    Logic Tips & Techniques

    Synchronising sequences in Logic to live audio tracks can really help give your music the edge, but what's the best way of doing this? We look at the options, and weigh up their pros and cons.

    Techniques Jan 2005
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    Marquee Tool Tips in Logic

    Logic Tips & Techniques

    Once you find out all the things you can do with the Marquee tool, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it, so we offer some advice on how to put it to work in your projects.

    Techniques Nov 2004
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    Logic: Working To Picture

    Logic Tips & Techniques

    We show you how best to set up Logic for working to picture.

    Techniques Mar 2004
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    Groove Templates

    There's a step-by-step guide to creating Groove Templates this month, plus the usual collection of handy tips, including some pointers on making the most of Aliases.

    Techniques Dec 2001
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    Time & Pitch machine; Protecting finished tracks

    A workshop on using Logic's off-line pitch-shifting, as well as advice on how to protect your finished tracks from accidental damage. Plus more tips, tricks and problem-solvers...

    Techniques Nov 2001
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    How to match your song's tempo automatically to that of a sampled loop

    Tweak the levels of individual sounds in a stereo mix, and learn how to match your song's tempo automatically to that of a sampled loop. Plus, the usual fistful of handy tips, including some ways to make your life easier using Logic's colouring options.

    Techniques Oct 2001
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    Automate Plug-in parameters

    Advice on how to best automate your plug-in parameters, as well as tips for lightening-fast comping and a power-user trick for simulating double-tracking using Autotune.

    Techniques Sep 2001
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    Hyper Draw Function; Diagnose and Solve MIDI Routing Problems

    Environment tricks and techniques to help diagnose and solve MIDI routing problems, plus tips on splitting stereo audio files and getting started with Logic's powerful Hyper Draw function that allows you to graphically enter and manipulate control data.

    Techniques Aug 2001
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    Compression Techniques

    This month, we show you a powerful compression technique available in Logic, as well as describing a workaround which increases the bank range of your Multi Instruments. Also, there are instructions on how to control a large range of Logic's parameters in real time from your MIDI master keyboard's mod wheel.

    Techniques Jul 2001
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    Logic: Correct Timings Of Multitrack Drum Recordings

    Logic Notes

    This month we show you, step by step, how to correct the timing of multitrack drum recordings using the powerful editing capabilities of Logic, as well as showing you how to make the most of your audio storage space.

    Techniques Jun 2001
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    How To Fix Vocal Tuning; Logic Upgrade; EXS24

    Logic Notes

    This month we look at how to fix vocal tuning and timing, as well as showing how the recent Logic v4.7 upgrade improves working with Emagic's EXS24 virtual sampler.

    Techniques May 2001
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    Logic: Touch Tracks

    Logic Notes

    We look at the creative potential of Logic's Touch Tracks feature and the corrective potential of the audio fade-in, as well as showing you what 'solo safe' is and why you need it.

    Techniques Apr 2001
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    Comp Performances

    Logic Notes

    This month, we see how best to comp performances within Logic, and we also show you a neat trick for finding new guitar fingerings.

    Techniques Mar 2001
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    Using Folders & Screensets

    Logic Notes

    This month, we look at using folders and screensets, as well as showing the Score window needn't be a no-go area for guitarists.

    Techniques Feb 2001
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    Transform Window

    Logic Notes

    Logic's Transform window is often under-used, due to its apparent complexity. John Walden explains all.

    Techniques Jan 2001
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    Customising Multi Instruments

    Logic Notes

    Paul White looks at how to customise Multi Instruments for a faster and more creative sequencing experience.

    Techniques Dec 2000
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    Arpeggiator Tips

    Logic Notes

    In the first of our new regular software columns based on the leading sequencer packages, Paul White gets Logic Notes off to a flying start with some invaluable hints and tips.

    Techniques Nov 2000
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    Using Key Commands In Emagic's Logic

    Tips & Tricks

    Computer-based MIDI + Audio sequencers have been popular for several years now, but some people have never been entirely happy using a digital rodent to control their main recording hardware. John Walden looks for ways out of the mouse trap by using key commands in Emagic's Logic.

    Techniques Jun 2000
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    Using Sample Loops With Logic Audio

    Tips & Techniques

    Paul White and Paul Joyner explain how to import samples directly to your Mac from an audio CD with Logic Audio — a technique which can be adapted for use with most popular MIDI + Audio sequencers.

    Techniques Feb 1999


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