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Studio Brass & Studio Special Brass from VSL

Latest libraries feature dry, controlled acoustic

VSL Studio Brass Studio Brass Special dry acoustic orchestral sample library

VSL have announced the launch of two new brass sample libraries that have been captured in the controlled environment of the Silent Stage at Synchron Stage Vienna. Studio Brass delivers the standard set of orchestral brass instruments, while Studio Special Brass offers a comprehensive collection that covers all bases and features some specialist additions. 

Studio Brass includes solo and ensemble recordings of the key instruments found in a typical orchestral brass section, kitting users out with the following patches: trumpet in C, trumpet in Bb, trumpet ensemble, triple horn, Viennese horn, horn ensemble, tenor trombone, trombone ensemble, bass trombone, and bass tuba. Studio Brass Specials takes the total instrument and ensemble count up to 17, and includes the likes of a cimbasso, euphonium and Wagner Tuba, along with several muted instruments and ensembles and large ensemble patches of Fanfare Trumpets (6 players) and Epic Horns (8 players).

VSL Studio Brass Studio Brass Special dry acoustic orchestral sample libraryA screenshot of Studio Special Brass' GUI.

As is often the way with VSL libraries, both collections benefit from a huge array of articulations that include a variety of short notes, long notes, dynamics (sfz, sffz, fp, pfp), flutter tongue, trills and repetitions. In addition to the company’s renowned legato transitions, there are fast intervals for legato and marcato styles, Performance Trills, arpeggios (major, minor, and diminished in legato and staccato), scale runs, rips and falls, mordents and more. 

Because everything has been recorded in the company’s Silent Stage room, the libraries both offer a dry, controlled acoustic. As a result, users are able to use place the sampled instruments and ensembles anywhere in the stereo field and take advantage of reverb plug-ins to emulate in a variety of virtual spaces from dry chambers to lush concert halls to reverberant churches.


Studio Brass and Studio Special Brass are supported on PCs running Windows 10 or higher, and Macs running macOS 11 and above. VST, VST3, AU and AAX plug-in versions are available.

Pricing & Availability

Studio Brass and Studio Special Brass are available now, and are currently (7 December 2024) being offered at introductory prices of €319 and €529 (reduced from €399 and €699) respectively. Single instruments are available starting at €37, and upgrade paths from the corresponding discontinued VI Series libraries start at €9.

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