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    Q. How do I set up a gated reverb?

    I am trying to recreate the famous gated reverb effect on Phil Collins's records. Can you tell me how the original effect was created?

    Sound Advice Mar 2005
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    Using Software Effects & Outboard


    Get the most from your computer's CPU by learning how to put your effects plug-ins where they really count. Plus, find out how to increase your mixing power by incorporating hardware effects units into your software mixdown.

    Techniques Jul 2004
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    Using Hardware Effects With Your PC Software Studio

    PC Musician

    Do you use a software studio with plug-in effects but crave the effects quality that your favourite hardware processor used to provide? Well, you can have the best of both worlds... as this article explains.

    Techniques Mar 2004
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    Q. How can I set up my Korg Kaoss Pad to act as a pitch-bender?

    Can you please tell me how to set up the Korg Kaoss Pad KP2 as an ordinary pitch-bender?

    Sound Advice Dec 2003
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    Q. What's a good Leslie speaker effect?

    I'm looking for a decent stand-alone Leslie-style rotary speaker effect, mainly for use with keyboards, but also for guitars. Can you offer any suggestions?

    Sound Advice Nov 2003
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    Understanding & Emulating Vintage Effects

    Sound Techniques

    Modern digital effects units always include emulations of analogue effects such as tape delay and flanging — but none of them ever seem quite like the real thing. Paul White explains how these vintage effects worked, and offers insight into how our modern attempts could be made more accurate.

    Techniques Jan 2001
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    Expanding Your Effects Horizons: Part 2

    Effects Processing Tips & Tricks

    In the final part of his short series on pushing back the boundaries of effects processing, Paul White explores many different applications of audio filters, as well as exploring the possibilities of granular synthesis.

    Techniques Dec 2000
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    Expanding Your Effects Horizons: Part 1

    Effects Processing Tips & Tricks

    Most people are familiar with basic reverb, delay and modulation effects, but what lies beyond? In the first part of a new series, Paul White explores the twilight zone of effects processing.

    Techniques Nov 2000
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    Synth FX: Part 2

    The History Of Onboard Synth Effects

    In Part 1, we saw how manufacturers realised that putting DSP effects on synths made for great sales. Subsequently, they twigged that it was also a good idea to let us take them off again (selectively), and route and adjust them ourselves.

    Techniques Apr 1999
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    Where To Use Processors & Why: Part 4

    Chorus / Phasing / Flanging

    Chorus, phasing and flanging are very common processes, but they don't always achieve the effect you hoped for. Paul White offers a few tips.

    Techniques Jan 1998
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    Multi-effects Explained: Part 5

    Summing Up

    Paul White concludes his series with an exhortation to unleash your creativity...

    Techniques Nov 1997
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    Multi-effects Explained: Part 4

    Using MIDI To Add Dynamics

    Paul White looks at how MIDI can be used to turn static effects into dynamic ones.

    Techniques Oct 1997
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    Multi-effects Explained: Part 3

    Effects Order: Which Is Best?

    Having looked at the various types of effects available, Paul White explains the importance of the order in which these effects are applied.

    Techniques Sep 1997
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    Multi-effects Explained: Part 2

    Useful Processors

    Modern multi-effects units provide all sorts of useful processors in addition to the more usual reverb and delay-based effects. Paul White discusses the extras you might find inside your effects box and how best to use them.

    Techniques Aug 1997
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    Multi-effects Explained: Part 1

    FX Building Blocks

    To start off this short series on multi-effects programming, Paul White explores the key building blocks found in today's versatile units.

    Techniques Jul 1997
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    How To Patch Effects & Processors

    Tips & Techniques

    The roles of the various signal processors and effects used in audio production are pretty well understood by most musicians, but it's not always obvious where they should be patched into the signal chain to give the best results.

    Techniques Mar 1995


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