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KRK R6 bucks the trend

Passive power!
These days, the majority of home and project studio users tend to favour active monitors over passive ones, mainly due to convenience but also because the amp and speaker combination will have been tried and tested by the manufacturer. Others, however, prefer the passive option, as it gives them more flexibility in terms of amp choice, but also because passive monitors can be situated far from a power source in discreet places.

The latest product from KRK is a passive monitor, the R6, which has been styled in accordance with the company’s Rokit G2 range of active monitors with radiused edges and a wide front port. It features a six-inch low-frequency driver and one-inch tweeter, has on-board crossover circuitry, and has a 100W RMS power rating.
KRK say that “there is still demand for passive monitors. The R6 addresses the needs of broadcasters, project studios and home enthusiasts by providing legendary KRK precision and accuracy in a passive speaker”. The R6 costs £140 each including VAT and should be available by the Summer.
Focusrite +44 (0)1494 462246
KRK +1 954 316 1580

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